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Aside from the list below, here are links to the full list of my Jacobin and American Prospect articles.


Seven Realities of Israel/Palestine, Damage Magazine, 3/5/24​​

On the uncomfortable political realities facing each side


Their Fight, Not Ours, Northern Star, 1/29/24. 

On the imperial interest the US pursues in bombing Yemen, at the expense of the national interest


Post-Work Socialism is a Tempting Illusion, Jacobin, 8/5/23 (Interview: Here)

A critique of post-work socialism and universal basic income


Why Are the Police Like This?, Jacobin, 6/12/20

On the strike-breaking origins of the militarization of the police


A Democratic Virus, Jacobin, 4/9/20

On Trump's reluctance to take advantage of the suspension of democracy during covid


Leave the EU Already, Jacobin, 1/31/19

On the undemocratic nature of the EU and democratic possibilities of Brexit


When King Was Dangerous, Jacobin, 1/21/19

The connections between MLK's civil disobedience and law-breaking during strikes


A Radical Defense of the Right to Strike, Jacobin, 7/12/18

The connection between the right to strike and freedom


Making Sense of Syria, Jacobin, 4/7/17

Trump's reactive foreign policy and its limits


Beyond Resistance, Jacobin, 2/13/17​

Why being anti-Trump is a weak basis for Left politics


You Can't Fake It, Jacobin, 2/6/17

The unseriousness of calling for a general strike in the absence of labor militancy​


When W. Was President, Jacobin, 1/31/17

The reaction to Trump overlooks how the Trump years are far more politically open than the W years, 


From Strike to Shop Floor, Jacobin, 6/15/16

The denouement of the Verizon strike


Chronicle of a Strike, Jacobin, 5/18/16​

Reportage from the Verizon strike


'Our Forgotten Labor Revolution,' Jacobin, Issue 18 'Struggle and Progress,' Summer 2015

The revolutionary legacy of the Civil War


'You Can't Be Pro-Euro and Anti-Austerity' Jacobin, 7/15/15

The contradictions of the left position on the euro​​


'Gun Control's Racist Reality' Salon, 6/24/15​

The idea of gun control and its reality


‘Decline of the Strike,’ Dissent, Fall, 2014, 142-147

A review of Jeremy Brecher's Strike!, a history of mass strikes in the United States


‘After Austerity,’ Jacobin, 4/25/13

Why Left politics needs to be more than 'anti' austerity.


‘Wage-Slavery and Republican Liberty,’ Jacobin, 2/28/13

On the history of labor republicanism in the United States, or the tradition that criticized wage-labor as a form of servitude 


‘Let it Bleed: Libertarianism and the Workplace,’ co-authored with Chris Bertram and Corey Robin, Crooked Timber, 7/1/12

The paradoxes of the libertarian of authoritarian workplaces      


‘Borrowed Energy: Review of Corey Robin’s The Reactionary Mind: Conservatism From Edmund Burke to Sarah Palin,’ Dissent, Summer 2012

A review of Robin's history and theory of conservatism​​


‘Wrong Reaction: against Mark Lilla’s review of Reactionary Mind’ Jacobin 1/2/12

A critique of a familiar view of conservativsm​​, by way of a critique of Mark Lilla


‘America’s Failed Promise of Equal Opportunity,’ co-authored with Aziz Rana, Salon, 2/12/12

Equality of opportunity was once linked to a more radically egalitarian conception of universal freedom​​


‘Fear,’ The Chronicle Review, 8/7/11

The problem with reorganizing politics around eliminating fear rather than achieving positive ends


‘The Politics of Fear: Whatever Happened to the War on Terror?’ N+1 Number 6, Winter 2008

How environmentalism has become the Left's version of the politics of fear​


‘Exporting Censorship to Iraq’ The American Prospect, October, 2003 14:9. Reprinted in Project Censored 2005.

How the US exported is censorship regime to the new Iraqi legal system​


‘Body Count’ Washington Monthly, June 2003        

On the invention and inflation of terrorists to justify the expansion of administrative power and bureaucratic budgets


‘Asylum Interrupted’ The American Prospect, April, 2003, 14:4

The authoritarian asylum system


‘Better Living Through Chemistry’ Washington Monthly, March 2003

Why fear's of DDT are overblown, leading to indefensible restraints on its use for disease control




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